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Paint Swatches

Twelve Printmakers

The current Twelve Printmakers are Marta Dyer-Smith, Sally Freer, Jane Hunter, Terry Kubecki, Kit Leese, Helen Maxfield, Evelyn Polk, Jacqui Robins, Anthony Searle, David Stone, Julia Vezza, Alan Woods.

12PM was formed in 1984 from a group of professional artists working in and around Colchester. Past members were members of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers and current members include members of the Printmakers Council and the Society of Wood Engravers. Many have had solo exhibitions, shown at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibitions, Royal West of England Academy Autumn Exhibitions,' Originals' Print Exhibitions, or taken part in mixed exhibitions all over the UK and abroad.


The group has three main aims:

It enables a number of like-minded artists to meet regularly to exchange ideas and discuss each other's work. By sharing the expenses and responsibilities involved in mounting exhibitions, members are able to exhibit several times a year. 12PM has held many successful exhibitions in London, East Anglia, elsewhere in Britain and abroad. Lastly, the group feels strongly about the need to heighten the awareness of the public about printmaking as an art form and to dispel any misunderstandings about the definition of an original print.



All the prints are conceived and carried out by the artist working directly on the block, plate or screen from which the print will be made. The artist produces a limited number of prints (an edition) and signs and numbers them. The number of the individual print and the size of the edition is indicated by a fraction, e.g. 4/50 (Number 4 in the edition of 50). Artist's Proofs are marked A/P and should number no more than 10% of the print run.

An Original Print is thus an original work of art and not to be confused with commercial reproductions which may also be described as limited edition prints.



Sometimes printmakers like to experiment and as the name implies, these are 'one-off'' prints created in various different ways, sometimes using collage techniques.

The twelve present members of 12PM use a variety of techniques, including etching, lithography, wood engraving, silk- screen, lino/wood cutting and mono printing.

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